Monday, September 16, 2013

How to Get Over Your First Love.

Falling in love for the first time can happen at any age. Whether it is at age 12 or 27, you will eventually fall and love, and if that ends it will feel like you just dropped your triple layered ice cream cone on the sidewalk.  My first love, Nick Jonas, was my everything. (Go ahead laugh away.. but it was real to me) I would run home from school and watch any YouTube video that mentioned his name. I listened to his songs until my dad begged me to change the CD or he would pull his hair out. He obviously didn’t support out love. Then one day I got on the internet and posted all over my home page was Nelena (Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez). I was crushed; he was supposed to be with me. However, he liked the Wizards of Waverly Place star more. Whether your first love was a celebrity or an actual boyfriend, getting over them is never easy, but chin up ladies! I have 5 steps that are very successful in getting over a first love.

1.        Invite your girlfriends over and have a “Burn my ex’s photos party” leave no evidence of the love you shared. Seeing his face all over your walls will not make it any easier to get over him.

2.        Stay away from beige eating. I know, I know. “But the triple chocolate chip brownies help ease the pain!” However gaining 20 pounds will only make your more depressed.

3.        BACK AWAY FROM THE NICHOLAS SPARKS MOVIES!! He is a genius at writing books, and one of my all-time favorite authors, but watching a love story when you feel so lonely is just asking for trouble.

4.        Do NOT text/call your ex for ANY reason. Don’t open any doors to let him back in your life. You need closure.

5.        If you go to school with your ex, the day after you break up, no matter how bad you want to wear sweatpants and no make-up.. You can’t. The number one way of getting revenge without looking crazy is to look fabulous. You get up and you curl your hair, go to school and laugh it up with your friends. He will be miserable, and you will feel better about yourself.

With Love,


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